Connecting communities with
our stories.
Our Mission at STEAP is excellence in storytelling and art. We are dedicated to identifying and encouraging diverse, overlooked artists for performance, mentoring, and artistic opportunities.
We create programs that widen social awareness and
cultural appreciation among diverse communities.
​​We are a 501(3) C registered non-profit in Hendersonville, NC since 2012.
Current Projects
We are always seeking opportunities for our storytellers, musicans, poets, and artists to perform or make art. We have a network of artists ready to peform or work with you or your groups and events.
We are always involved in new projects and accepting ideas for opportunities to share our passion for art, stories, and entertaining education. Contact our Chair with your ideas! karenevebp@gmail.com

Painting from the Museum of Antrhopology, Mexico City, Mexico
Our Feature length Film
Our NEWEST FEATURE FILM project is underway and will be a feature in length. It is filmed in NC, PA, and Mexico. This is a powerful tale of one family's story of citizenship, deportation, love & loss , and the costs to our society.
The film will be complete in 2023. We are seeking more funding as the film goes into editing and final produciton. If you are interested in supporting this film or getting more information, please contact our chair.
Short Films: Amazing Appalachians
Supported by the Tourism Development Authority of Henderson County, we have begun to film our 'shorts" about unexpected, and amazing folks living here in our WNC Appalachian Mountain area. In other words, people that are diverse, unique, and perhaps a surprise to many.
Soon we will premeire stories about unique...
Jazz singers, Musicians, Woodworkers, Dancers, Chefs, storytellers, and much more.
These are NOT your expected locals! Stay tuned for our announcements in 2023. Filming underway now!

'Youthful Journey Up 7th Ave' by Billy Smith at 628 7th Ave E

'City of Four Seasons' by Diamond Cash
Soon to be at its home ( 20'x16)

Funded in great part by at 40th Anniversary Grant from the Community Foundation, this project includes 2 pieces of public art (murals),an Art Banner for Black History Month, and yarn bombing of 6 trees and a caboose along Maple Street in Hendersonville, NC. STEAP is working with the City of Hendersonville NC and a team of volunteers, artists, businesses, community groups, and local leaders of our BIPOC communities to represent our rich cultures/ heritages.
The goals are to:
•Honor our diverse communities’ stories, cultures, & contributions in the past, present, and future
•Engage community in creating connection through art
•Enhance the corridor for residents, businesses, & visitors with public art
This new project launched in May 2022 is running for 36 months. We have completed the Yarn Blooming Project (see web page), and Art Banner for Black History Month. Our two murals are in are completed! 'Four Seasons' needs a wall as a home to be hung. Call if interested!
RFPs for murals were released in July 2022, and the local community selected their favorite murals, with input from several City committee members. Contracts were awarded to two local artists:
DIAMOND CASH, is a Winston-Salem NC artist with roots in Hendersonville. Diamond's mural is seen in the sketch above with two hands shaking over well known images of our city. As a Bee and Tree city, we also see our famous street bears, apples, train depot, and music in the mountains. This mural will be on the 'red side' of the WNC Source Building at 526 7th Ave E. in early 2023.Since very young, Diamond has had a talent for photography, painting and drawing. Her passion for art has developed into a career. She attended the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to attain my Bachelor's Degree in Studio Art in 2016. She has taken my talent into her own hands to create an environment where she is able to teach anyone who is willing to learn! Having been featured in several magazines, articles, and in local galleries, she has been recognized within our community for her many paintings, art classes, and murals. She plans to expand her craft to more murals, paintings, and showcases for her work. Dncash13@gmail.com www.artworkbydiamondcash.com
BILLY SMITH, a Brevard NC based muralist, with ties to Hendersonville. Billy's mural is in process and is located at 628 7th Avenue E at the Free Clinic (operated by the Rescue Mission). This mural, 'Youthful Journey Up 7th Ave', presented in 2 parts, features a Norman Rockwell style view of diverse kids playing in the water of a fire hydrant in our fair city. The spires of the presbyterian church and dome of the Old Court house are seen in the background. The mural is expected to be completed and unveiled in early 2023.He works in acrylic, oils, pastels, pencil, and chalk, creating wall murals, paintings on large and small canvases, and drawings on smooth stones. His first public artworks were “live” performances at music venues in Brevard. After high school, he had shelved the talent his high-school art teacher said was a rare gift. When he traded in his 15+ yr blue collar job for his true talent in 2015, he’d walk from his mom’s place in Pisgah Forest and draw musicians playing at local bars. Those contemplative days walking to and from town (seven miles roundtrip) brought him forward — literally and figuratively. He returned to art in 2015, and is now teaching art, making art, and living ART. Billysmithart.com or newartdomain@yahoo.com