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 Our back story 

 Stories and art are as old as the hills & caves and as new as the last movie you saw or the book you read. Whether you are a student of Joseph Campbell or a  fan of a TV sitcom or a radio podcast, stories connect us in powerful ways. Stories are memorable, tranferable, and tranformative. 


The idea for the Do Tell Storyfest proceeded STEAP.  Do Tell was conceived in a Hendersonville, NC coffee shop when six friends in 2008 agreed to find a way to share important stories. We organized the 1st DO TELL Storyfest and kept it going for years. That first Do Tell Storyfest brought out 500+ people to hear author Louise Bailey and other storytellers perform in the Old CourtHouse. There was great enthusiam to hear stories shared aloud and in person.


Later on, when the first school child said, " Your story helped me find my voice" the idea of STEAP was born to promote storytelling. Many adults and children were affected by the stories that were TOLD- whether myths, legends, personal, or imagined. 

 We had the idea to create a way  to share storytelling through educaion and art programs in anyway possible. And we will keep doing it as long as possible for as many people as possible. 


Our Mission

Our Mission at STEAP is excellence in storytelling and art. We are dedicated to identifying and encouraging diverse, overlooked artists for performance, mentoring, and artistic opportunities.


We create programs that

widen social awareness and

cultural appreciation among diverse  communities. 




Our Vision is 



Connecting Communities with our Stories


Our Goal is to

Make meaningful art happen

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